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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Simple way to deal with sinus infection

In today's world, more and more people suffer from sinus infection. The phenomenon may be due to higher level of pollution today than one or two decades ago.

The infection occurs when sinuses suffer from inflammation. Sinus infections can cause severe headache and feeling of pressures in the eyes, nose or one side of the head. Sinus infection may also bring with it cough, bad breath, fever and nasal congestion as well.

Sinusitis, or sinus infection, can be caused by many factors such as bacterial, viral or fungal attacks. Air pollutants as well as allergy to certain compound can also be the culprit. Any dealing with sinus infection must be conformed to the nature and extent of the infection.

You should not deal only with the symptoms like the headache, nasal congestion and so forth. Dealing only with the symptoms will only be temporary. But if you deal with the infection itself, over time you will also win over the symptoms and you would not have to suffer from them anymore.

I did not mean that getting rid of the infection would be easy. It's not, and it won't be easy. It would require patience... and an orderly living. Avoid exposure to cigarette smoke because it would only worsen your condition.

One easy way to deal with the infection that can be done at home is by using a solution made of a half teaspoon of coarsely ground salt with lukewarm water. Put it in a neti pot. Pay attention to temperature because a too hot water will burn you and cool water will be uncomfortable.

With the solution ready in the pot, tilt your head to the side and insert the neti pot's spout gently into the raised nostril, sealing the pot and nostril, then breath and pour it slowly and gently. Let it wash out your lower nostril. If its drains at your mouth, lower your forehead a little bit.

You can also use a nasal saline sprays or steam inhalation if necessary.Warm compresses may help relieve pain and pressure felt on your forehead.

Lots of fresh fruits and raw vegetables may also be helpful. The antioxidants and many other nutrients in the fruit will boost your immune system and help your body to resist the infection. Avoid smoke, fumes, dust, aerosol sprays, and other pollutants or anything airborne, as well as cigarette smoke. And drink plenty of water to help thin and moisten the mucus.

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